Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Yellow Cloud

A few weeks ago, the Little Two and I stepped outside our house to find that everything was covered in a blanket of yellow. No, not peed-on snow. Pollen, which is much worse.
If you live in the south, you get used to the yellow stuff, although I don't think you ever come to LIKE it. I've been sneezing nonstop since then and I find the stuff on just about any surface that goes too long without dusting. Yuck.
So anyway, we tried to tiptoe across the back porch and get in the car without getting a lot of pollen on our shoes. Of course, the first thing that happens is that Drake slips on the steps and sits his butt smack in the middle of the pollen. I debate even letting him get in the car after that, but there's nothing I can do.
When we get to the end of our driveway, all of a sudden a big gust of wind comes along and the big pine tree across the street EXPLODES into the biggest cloud of pollen I have ever in my life seen - and I have seen a lot of pollen. It is so crazy, I fumble for my phone and try to get a photo of it, but by the time I snap it, the wind has mostly scattered the cloud. However, as we drive around town, I notice that everything has a sickly yellow tinge to it. You can especially see the haze of pollen up against the trees in the distance.

Hey cool, I accidentally got a picture of the Terminix Bug truck.

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