Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Day

Well, it's my "Happy Day" as Drake calls it. I'm 29 today, yea for me. George greeted me with a guffaw and a "You're so old!" this morning, but he promised to take me to Red Lobster for Endless Shrimp, so I couldn't really hold it against him. Plus, he's only eight months younger than me anyway. Plus, he already has gray in his hair, while I don't (although the endless round of coloring and highlights make it hard to tell for sure).
So far, it's been a pretty lame birthday, although it beats the heck out of last year. I called George about three times last birthday in tears because it sucked so bad. We were flat broke, having and the only gift I had received (a delicate anklet with a seashell we had found at the beach which Skylar and Bart made for me) I accidentally trod on and broke while wearing it. Our friend James lent George money to buy me a bouquet of flowers. I didn't find this out until later, so the fact that we were so pathetic our friends had to lend us money for a birthday gift didn't make me cry harder.
This year, I'm getting another hurricane for my birthday, or more accurately, a tropical storm. Tropical Storm Hanna. Every few years or so, a hurricane hits on my birthday (one of the perils of being born during hurricane season in the southeast). I was born during Hurricane David in 1979, and my mom wanted to name me "Stormy" to commemorate the event. Apparently someone talked her out of it and I ended up just "Wendy". Thank goodness. I can only imagine going through life signing the name of a superhero or a stripper onto legal documents.
Just now Skylar is sitting beside me as I type. The children were released from school early today on account of the storm. Unfortunately, she just discovered that their pet turtle had died. We found him several months ago and gave him a home in a roomy aquarium. We had plans to release him back into the wild before the weather turned cold, as we weren't sure what his hibernation habits were. When Skylar cleaned his cage last, he was OK, but for some reason we're not sure of, he didn't make it. I suppose we have learned a hard lesson not to keep wild animals, even with the best intentions.
OK, so this birthday is getting drearier and drearier by the minute...
It's pouring buckets outside, but on the bright side, Drake went down for a nap with minimal shrieking and Lucy is sleeping contentedly in her carrier, so I was able to take a shower.
Yes, Lucy....there's a whole entire new chapter of our lives I'm desperately trying to catch up on so I can post it to the blog. Lucy is our new baby girl. She was born on August 20, and she's just so pretty. I will follow with all the details about Lucy Elizabeth Savitz, plus pictures - lots of pictures.

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