Friday, May 30, 2008

Just a hoax?

Regarding last Thursday's school scare, the police were never able to find any sign of a gunman in the woods or on school grounds or really any evidence to confirm there was one at all. There was never a formal statement issued, but the rumor is that the story was started by a second-grader (whose name I am not going to mention because it hasn't been officially confirmed). Apparently, when the police were able to get the boy alone, he admitted that he had not really seen a gunman near the woods. However, something similar was reported a few months ago (I'm not sure who reported it, but I think it was still someone in second grade, possibly the same class), but there was no lockdown or police response then. I'm not really sure what the truth is, but the children are safe, thank goodness, and the school responded well to the entire thing. However, tragically, the driver of the Lexus (who was hit by the officer responding to the emergency at BDQ) died. If it was all one big hoax, or some game of pretend blown way out of proportion, it is horrible that someone died as a result of it. What a mess. I am so glad the children only have a few more days of school.

1 comment:

phenomemom said...

How awful that someone died, hoax or not. We had something similar happen when I worked at an elementary school and it ended up being that the 4th graders involved were just trying to stir up some drama, not knowing how serious it was. :(

Little Drake is adorable in his glasses, by the way. lol.

- k