I'm just writing a little before I head off to bed. Today was a little hairy. I'm not really sure why, I just felt a little off all day. I've been sick since Thursday evening (Thanksgiving). I had started to get a sore throat. Then I was up at 4am on Black Friday, doing the Walmart crazy thing. Then I didn't get to bed until after midnight. Anyway, I was wiped out and ran a small fever on Saturday. I missed church on Sunday. Yesterday I felt like crap. Today, I'm starting to feel a little better.
We had a movie night scheduled at church tonight for the women. We were going to watch Mr. Kruger's Christmas in our PJ's and eat popcorn. However, by the time George got home and I unwound and we made dinner, it was just kind of late. I decided instead that I really wanted to take Skylar to see Twilight. I went a few weeks ago with a couple of friends & liked it. I felt like Sky & I could use some mommy-little girl time.
We had a great time. When Edward kisses Bella for the first time in the movie, Skylar was like, "Why can't that be me?" And I'm all like, "Patience, my dear, patience. One day, it will be." Except, no vampire, of course. I hope.
Yep. She's growing up, all right. My little baby Skylar kept whispering through the movie, "He's pretty hot!"
At least she's got good taste, right?
I was pretty surprised, though. For the last year and a half, she's been reserving her admiration for the one and only Harry Potter. I think it impressed her that the actor playing Edward also played Cedric Diggory in the 4th Harry Potter movie. Move over Daniel Radcliffe....
The movie was pretty tame (almost no swearing, no sex - only one major kissing scene, minimal blood and violence considering it's a vampire movie), but I still think I will hold off on letting her read the books. They're in no way bad books, but I think that they're still just a bit above Skylar's head as far as male-female relationships go. We haven't really had THE TALK yet, after all. Oh, she knows how babies come about, yada yada, but we haven't really sat down with her and been like, "OK, so this is how it happens..." I am not anticipating that day with any amount of happiness at all.
Tonight on the way to the movie, I had to explain to her that her former idol, Clay Aiken, is gay. Talk about uncomfortable. I really didn't want the kids at school to be the first to break that lovely little news to her. She said, "But doesn't he have a baby?" So I had to explain that one to her. Then she said, "But he isn't married, is he?" So I had to explain that one to her.
Thanks a lot, Clay.
When George called at 5:02 pm today, he was in rather (uncharacteristically) good spirits. When he told me he'd be home in half an hour, that he was still at work, and I cried, "What??", he didn't get annoyed with me or anything, but promised to hurry home.
Oh, when will I learn?
When he walked in the door, I was feeding Baby Lucy. After a few moments of cheerful small talk, he said, "So what would you do if I said I found a Wii Fit and bought it?" I just rolled my eyes and said, "So is this a hypothetical question, or did you already buy the Wii Fit and it's outside in your car?" He did his doofy grin and mumbled that it was out in the car.
I've learned by now that some things really aren't worth arguing about. Pick your battles, right? If a stupid video game makes him happy & eager to please me, fine. Whatever. He's all like, "But this is something I'm really going to use." OK, and I would REALLY use a pair of plain black Gucci pumps. I'd just like it on record that I've never gone out and spent $180 on them. I can just see George's face if I ever went out and spent nearly $200 bucks just before Christmas because I wanted to, particularly when we don't have the money to spare AT ALL.
But you see, that's what makes me so mad. I at least admit that just because it's not important to me, it is important to him. Fine. But he would NEVER, NEVER let me "waste" that much money on something he deemed unimportant. Like shoes. No way. Not a chance.
It's infuriating!!!!
And to top it all off, Wii Fit has just officially become my worst enemy.
I figured I would give George a little patience and kindness and do the fitness test. Besides, I was curious. I've always been in really good shape. Even now, with twelve extra pounds left from my last pregnancy (Lucy is 3 months old), I'm only a size 5/6. I'm trying to get back to my regular size 2/3. So, I was looking forward to finding out my BMI and my body age, or whatever it's called. Back before I got pregnant with Drake, my BMI was 13. I knew I wouldn't be anywhere close to that, but it turns out that it is 22, which is average. I know I've got a ways to go. George was labeled "obese" after his test, which he expected. He needs to lose some major weight. But his body age or whatever it's called was still only 32 years old.
So I take my test. It consists of your weight, etc. and these stupid balance and agility tests. And I totally flunk out on the agility/balance tests. I had no idea there was a time limit on this thing.
Wii Fit said my body age was 49!!!!
Are you freaking kidding me?? I'm not even labeled overweight, and George is labeled obese, and his body is supposedly like a 32 year old's and mine is like a 49 year old's? That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. I was so mad, I retook it. It gave me a different, weird agility test, which both George and I thought I did pretty well on, but stupid Wii Fit said, "Apparently agility tests aren' t your strong point" and it gave me a body age of 41. Ooh, I lost eight years. Big deal. It's still a load of crap.
There is no way I'm going to buy that George's body is in better shape than mine. I mean, he sits at a desk most of the day. I'm always up, moving, walking. I took Pilates and Kickboxing and ballet for crying out loud! I spent all last summer swimming! If I get a quiet minute to do nothing, it's while I'm sitting on the sofa, nursing Lucy - and then, my body is still burning up more calories than his!!!!
This is NOT what I needed to hear right now. I did not need a video game to tell me I am old and out of shape. I told George they had better come out with Wii Marriage Counseling next because we were going to need it.
Yeah, I'm sure he'd run right out and stand in line for that one.
So that's where I stand. I am NOT playing that dumb game with him. If I want to get in shape, it's not going to be doing video games. Does no one else realize how absurd that is? Hmm...I want to lose ten pounds, maybe if I stay in my house in front of my TV, I can do it. Running? Ha. Biking? Ha.
If I were a jerk, I'd sue Wii for emotional damage. Honestly, it was pretty shattering. I can totally see where less stable individuals might go off the deep end or commit suicide after the Wii told them they were old and out of shape and basically sucked. If I were the drinking sort, I might've tossed down a few to make myself feel better. Me, I turn to chocolate. I had two devil's food chocolate cookies to make myself feel better for being fat.
You see, I'm all about reverse psychology. I'm testing a theory that it works on fat cells. My thighs will have to get back to you on that.
Ain't technology great? As if we weren't already hard enough on ourselves. I'm telling you - keep your eyes open for Wii Therapist. I have a feeling we're going to need it.
I guess it didn't really happen...
7 years ago
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