Friday, May 8, 2009

Oh dap

Drake's vocabulary has really been growing by leaps and bounds. I can't believe the way he can carry on a conversation now. I used to be able to pretend I didn't understand what he was saying sometimes (like when he was whining for candy), but now he speaks sentences and is pretty clear. He gets mad unless I make it clear to him with my response that I know what he's talking about.

The other day at lunch, the two of us had just sat down with our plates. Drake immediately bit into his peanut butter and jelly sandwich and started chewing. Then he stopped suddenly, put his sandwich down, looked up at me with big eyes and said, "Oh dap. I say prayer." Then he proceeded to fold his arms and say the blessing on the food. He had forgotten to say prayer before eating. I realized that "Oh dap" meant "Oh crap". I'll take the blame on that one. I say that word way too often.

One of my favorite words of Drake's is "diduz". He'll say he really NEEDS a piece of candy right now, so I'll ask him "Why do you need a piece of candy?" and he'll answer "Diduz". Translation: because.

Lucy has also been developing at turbo-speed. Just Wednesday of last week, she was learning to push up on her hands and feet. Then she was crawling pretty well. Then by Saturday she was pulling up on things. I put her to bed Saturday evening and she wasn't happy about it. So we turned the monitor off like we usually do for ten minutes or so while she cries it out a little. Usually Sky is in bed by that time, too, so if anything was really wrong with Lucy, she would let us know. However, Skylar was being allowed to stay up a little late and play MarioKart with George. So we're sitting there relaxing when all of a sudden I hear Lucy screaming, I mean really screaming. We could hear her from upstairs with the monitor off. George said I should check on her in case she had fallen out of the crib or something. I hurried upstairs, not really thinking she could actually fall out of her crib yet.


I was just in time.

When I walked in, I gasped and I think I may have done a double-take. I had been totally prepared to cover her back up, say "go to sleep Lucy", and go back out. But Lucy was leaning out of her crib, teetering, about to fall. She had pulled up on the side and gotten her chest and arms over the side before she got stuck there. At that point, she could have gone over the edge with the slightest push of her feet.

I think I yelled and ran and grabbed her up. George lowered her crib immediately to its lowest level. Why do kids seem hell-bent on giving their parents heart-attacks?

That was definitely an "oh dap" moment.

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